
Handmade Holidays Blog Hop! Day 2

If you are looking for the Hello Kitty Blog Hop, please CLICK HERE

Welcome to the Handmade Holidays Blog Hop!!!

Calling all crafters! We’ve gathered designers from some of our favorite manufacturers to show you ways to create something from the heart this holiday season. This 3 day Hop includes over 60 stops with inspiration brimming from every corner. Explore all thoughtful and frugal handmade gifts you could make for the holidays, all in one place on this Hop!

The Authentique crew has dubbed me the "Queen" of Toilet Paper Rolls. I LOVE to use things that I find around the house to craft with, and tp rolls are my favorite! I normally make mini albums out of them, but today, I thought I would try a different approach! Here is what I came up with:

Cute, right? Who knew that toilet paper rolls could be so festive!

Here's a closer look

Now I had all of these step-by-step photos taken and I was so excited to share them, but this week has NOT been my week with technology! First, my computer crashed, then as I was getting ready to upload photos, my computer pretty much eats my memory card and deleted all of my photos. So the above photos were taken with my iphone, thus not being the best quality. I plan to make more of these, so if you want to bookmark my site or become a follower, that would be great! I will post step by step photo instructions as soon as I get them.

For now, I will try my best to explain how to make this festive wreath!
1. You will need about 1 toilet paper roll for each flower. I made 10 flowers, so about 9-10 rolls will do.
2. Flatten your tp roll and cut 1/2 inch pieces.
3. This step is optional, but if you want your flowers painted, you can spray paint, or what I used, was acrylic paint. After the paint was dry, I sprayed with glimmer mist for a little sparkle.
4. Glue your petals together to form flower, I glued about 7 per flower.
5. Assemble flowers in a wreath shape and glue together. I used hot glue for everything.
6. Embellish! You can add buttons, ribbons, you name it! I cut some leaves with Authentique's festive papers, Wonder, and also used one of their headlines on the bottom.

And that's it! Now you have a beautiful festive wreath for the holidays! These would make great gifts for friends and family and they will be shocked when you tell them that it is made from toilet paper rolls!

To sweeten to Hop, Authentique Paper is offering a gift for one lucky hopper! For every comment you leave on the blogs in the Hop, you'’ll be entered to win a prize pack from one of the participating manufacturer sponsors (including this great prize pack shown below)!
{Authentique Paper winner must have a US/Canada address.}

Visit the list of blogs below and leave a comment on each by Nov 7, 2011 at 11:59 PM {PST}. Each day we will be sharing a brand new list of blogs with brand new projects for you to explore, be inspired by, and create from!

Clearsnap – http://clearsnap.blogspot.com
Spellbinders http://www.spellbinderspaperarts.com/Community/Blog.aspx
Hampton Art - http://blog.hamptonart.com/
Zutter – http://binditall.blogspot.com/
Graphic45 – http://g45papers.typepad.com/
Donna Salazar Designs – http://donnasalazar.typepad.com/
The Twinery - http://www.thetwineryblog.com/
Authentique Paper http://authentiquepaper.blogspot.com/
Jan Hennings – Glue Arts http://papercraftpleasures.blogspot.com/
Kim Sonksen – Donna Salazar Designs - http://kimsonksen.blogspot.com/
Jamie Harper – Hampton Art http://www.jamieharper.typepad.com
Jenny Suchin – The Twinery http://www.suchins.blogspot.com/
Heather Conklin– Authentique Paper http://goldiecar.blogspot.com/
Gloria Stengel- Graphic 45 http://gloriascraps.blogspot.com/
Christine Emberson - Spellbinders http://hope-chances.blogspot.com/
Julie Overby – Spellbinders http://joverby.blogspot.com/
Mary Dawn Quirindongo – Clearsnap http://mypinkmexico.blogspot.com/
Lea Sanders – Zutter http://leasanders.wordpress.com/
Tara Orr – Graphic45 http://eachmoment-onlyonce.blogspot.com/
Patti Milazzo – Glue Arts - http://pattimilazzo.blogspot.com/
Emily Lanham – Authentique Paper http://createserendipity.blogspot.com/
Jessy Christopher – Donna Salazar Designs - http://teacherjessy.blogspot.com

Cheers to creating gifts from the heart this holiday season!

Happy Hopping!


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Diane Hodrick said...

I can't believe this is made from TP rolls. This is really cute!

dwright33055 said...

I just love the toilet paper idea, so cool, I became a follower, new to blog. wanted to get you button but don't know how....

laneycath said...

Hurrah for TP cardboard. I remember years ago my sister and I made mantle santa's - using the tube intact we wrapped with red felt added a black band, tiny black felt buttons. glued arms and legs and a head , cap and voila a lovely mantle holiday design thanks.

Miriam Prantner said...

Can't believe you made that out of TP rolls. It's so pretty! Love all the negative space, would look great against any door/wall. Thanks!

Unknown said...

This is amazing, thanks for the tutorial, I'll be having everyone save their rolls for me! Love Authentique!

debb said...

Beautiful wreath and super in depth tutorial- love the recycling!

Jojo Moore said...

Welcome back to the world of crafting!
just love your way of thinking (trash to treasure) Thanks for sharing your great project going to give it a go.

Jan Hennings said...

love this and the papers are gorgeous!

Chris - Creations in Bloom said...

Can't believe that's made with TP rolls. You ROCK! Thanks for sharing.

Auntie Em said...

Too cute! And perfect to hang on a bathroom door! Wonder how many would figure out where the pretty flowers came from? :D
Thanks for sharing! :)

Her Craftiness (Lynne) said...

Emily, this is fantastic and only wish now with my cleaning spree hadn't thrown away my toilet paper roll collection! Thank you for sharing!

zandra said...

So, pretty. Thanks for sharing. Hugz, Z

Anonymous said...

Awesome I am going to have to try this with all of the tp rolls I have laying around!

Christina Collins said...

Wow! You are so creative. This is pretty genius, I must say! I love that you used TP rolls. I am going to have to give this a try because it is beautiful! Thank you for sharing. :)

Houses Built of Cards said...

What an AWESOME wreath - and with toilet paper rolls! Who knew?!?!? Thanks for sharing such a creative idea!


Jennie said...

Stunning wreath!! Love it!

lainey said...

Fantastic!! I would never think this was made with toilet paper rolls! It's to the point where we can't throw anything out! lol

JPScraps said...

Saw the wreath...so pretty
Saw made from to rolls...what??
Love it!!

Annette Allen said...

wow this wreath is stunning... I love it and you used toilet paper rolls... wow you are so creative... I love it...
thanks for sharing..

Cindy said...

Truly amazing project Emily!! You never fail to some us a unique new way to use TP rolls. Looks Great!

Cindy P.

Ziggyeor said...

That is awesome and I probably wouldn't have known they were tp rolls until you told me.

Ardilla said...

Great idea for toilet paper cardstock!!! If you don´t say nobody will know it!

Emily Keaton said...

Fabulous! Thanks for the great idea and inspiration!!

Dawnll said...

You did an amazing job on this one! So sorry you lost all the pictures. Sometimes technology isn't that friendly is it?
Thanks for sharing this great idea

Lisa P said...

What an awesome wreath!! Thanks for sharing.

Laura Stewart said...

cute project !!

stick said...

Gorgeous wreath, I love the use of negative space!

Gwynn said...

What a beautiful wreath! I love it. it's so simple and elegant!

bethann d said...

gorgeous upcycling, really pretty

Bast said...

Really unique and beautiful. Thanx for sharing! Love it


Candace said...

this is awesome Emily!!! love it!!! and I hope your bad technology streak ends soon!! it can be so frustrating!!



Cyndie said...

Wow, what a gorgeous and unique wreath you have made! Sorry you had the technology glitch but really your photos and instructions are still very clear!

Tini A. said...

OMG...have never seen such an wreath. It's soo beautiful and easy to make it! Thanks for sharing this great idea.

Lisa R. said...

love this, so beautiful!

Unknown said...

Wow really cute, I am going to try this. I have been saving tp rolls for a while. TFS
debbie_craine at hot mail dot com

Rhonda Miller said...

This is gorgeous. Wow, I really need to start saving those TP rolls. Lol. TFS.

tallulah1 said...

Oh this is totally cool! I love this project! I am absolutely making one of these! I have bookmarked your site! My Dad one time saved a sackful of tp rolls as a joke to me - making me think I had asked him to save. Wouldn't he freak if I was able to give him this wreath! Ha! Laugh would be on him!
Geeze - makes me miss him even more!
Thanks for sharing!

Julie Shearer said...

What a great idea !!! Good for you..you must be the Queen of recycling !!! I love it. TFS.

Kelly Massman said...

GORGEOUS wreath! thanks also for a chance to win!

Rachel said...

your wreath looks amazing! I love how delicate the paper rolls ended up looking. So sorry your computer crashed, I don't know what I would do if I lost mine!

-rachel w k

Misty said...

you and your amazing toilet paper tubes!!! great job.

cindy said...

Your are a genious. This wreath is stunning. Thanks for sharing.

Fleursbydesign said...

I can't believe that was made from toilet paper rolls, fantastic :)

Lagene said...

THANKS now I know what this weeks project will be with my grandaughters! Love this wreath!

heidiscoll said...

Very, very pretty!! Hopin along the holiday hop!!

Anonymous said...

From tp roll to amazing wreath. Sorry to hear about your computer! Thks for sharing and the chance to win.

Unknown said...

What a creative project. You are truly the queen of the TP roll. Stunning. I will never look at a TP roll the same again.

Unknown said...

I'm gonna have to do this one! Thanks!

meemee48 said...

This is absolutely gorgeous and so creative. Thanks for sharing it with us.

DeniseP said...

Love the wreath! Thanks for sharing! Thanks for the chance to win!

Jeyatha said...

great project.. itz unbelievable to me.. very creative.. happy hopping..

lynn said...

This great - I've been saving tp rolls for various projects and this one gets added to the list!

Trisha said...

Very creative way to recycle. I'll have to remember to start saving tp rolls. Thanks for sharing. patnbobcuddy at gmail dot com

Shelly Lynn said...

What an amazing wreath!! I love it! Hope you don't mind... I am going to pin this on pinterest bc I sooo want to make one of these for the holidays! Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful wreath with us Emily! I want to make a tp roll mini book too sometime, so I am going to have to check out more of your posts!

Crafting With Friends said...

Now that is totally cute and very creative!!!!!!

MissScrapAlot said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this!!!!!! TFS!!!!

Marla said...

what a gorgoues wreath!!

Noreen said...

Gorgeous wreath! Who would believe you could make such a beautiful thing out of TP rolls!

scrappinlil said...

oh this is gorgeous. I love how you took a toilet paper roll and made something so ugly into something so beautiful. I have made mini albums out of these before but I love the wreath idea...thanks for taking the time to show us how to make this. Love the blog hop.

Colleen said...

you are TOO clever..who would have thought such a beautiful wreath would be made from TP rolls!! Fantastic idea!

Savannah O'Gwynn said...

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOW! I love love love this wreath--what a CLEVER idea:) Thanks for the chance to win--sbmmhoover at yahoo dot com

Basiljen said...

So creative! Who'da thunk it came from tp rolls? Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I love, love the wreath. I make wreaths, this is beatiful. I want to make one. Thank You
Margaret Ann

Anonymous said...

Such a creative decoration for christmas time, I love it and will do it tomorrow! Thanks for inspiration!

Stephanie U said...

WOW! What an awesome wreath!

Marylinn Kelly said...

Graphic 45 sent me. Now that is an inspired use for such an everyday object. Very pretty wreath. Thanks.

Maryann Laursen said...

WAUW what an awesome idea. I love this and we all always have loads of those all the time, so it would be so cool, if we could make something cool out of them. Thanks so much for the great explanation here, it was very understandable and easy to follow.
Wonderful idea, thank you so much.

Tanya said...

how cool is this, what a fun idea! I thought at first this was paper and thought wow this must be real delicate, but the tp rolls are much stronger and we all have 'em! thanks for the awesome idea.

Debbie said...

this is fantanstic, I have saved a lot of TP rolls now I know what to do with them thanks, bookmarked your site
upnurse at aol dot com

littlen said...

beautiful wreath. must give this a try. tfs.
littlen44 at gmail dot com

Maggie said...

What a great idea!

Carol said...

Love this wreath. I bookmarked your site. Thanks.

Jeannette aka Jnett said...

Very cool, great wreath. Love the papers too.

TracyM #6773 said...

WOW - these are the most beautiful toilet paper rolls I have ever seen!!!

What fabulous recycling and gorgeous wreath Emily!!!

Thank you for sharing your tutorial and being part of this inspiring blog hop, I am so happy I found you and will be looking back through your projects for more fun ideas :)

Peggy S said...

What a cute idea and a great way to recycle!
Wonderful tutorial and blog hop.

Donna said...

What a cute idea. I have heard about tp roll albums, now another cute idea!

Linh C. said...

Beautiful wreath and lightweight too!

Caity Sue Treadwell said...

I love the idea of recycling the tp rolls! What a pretty wreath they make. Thanks for sharing.

KarenL. said...

OMG!! I love love LOVE this idea! I am so sad...I just threw away a collection of tp rolls - to recycling. Now I will definitely start keeping them again!

Anonymous said...

Ha, I was just looking at a tp roll yesterday wondering if I could make something out of it! I've never seen albums made from the so I'll have to look for that. Love the wreath.

Steph Ackerman said...

thanks for sharing, this is awesoem.

Naomi said...

LOVE your GORGEOUS wreath and I cannot believe that it's made using toilet paper rolls, lol!

Vail said...

Your wreath is beautiful, love the ideas for recycling tp rolls.

Clare G said...

Wonderful wreath, I love the TP rolls too, I love how you've turned them into a lovely holiday decoration.

Marilize said...

A toiletpaper wreath? You are so clever! Love this :)

Stacy S said...

Wow! You are hugely creative! In my eyes, TP rolls have always just been something else to throw in the recycle bin. I'll never look at them the same way again! You would never ever know by looking at that wreath that that's what it's made out of! And I'm really curious to see one of your mini books made out of TP rolls too!

a.schmied said...

So clever! This is a great idea!

Anonymous said...

OMG-I never would have believed toilet paper rolls could look so beautiful. Wonderful project. Thanks so much for the inspiration. Cheryl Winget

Cynthia Baldwin said...

What a clever and crafty idea!! Awesome way to upcycle into such a great piece of holiday decor!

Unknown said...

Very nice recycle project.

Sharka said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Beth said...


What a creative idea! Looks great and sounds like I could actually make one.

Sharka said...

WOW, never would have thought to use tp rolls and make them look so good! Thanks for you sharing this great project and I am definitely going to try and make one for my studio door! There are some tp rolls in the bathroom waste baskets that I'm going to go get and put aside until I get enough... sweet!

Loris said...

Wouldn't have guessed those were tp rolls. I will check back for your detailed photos.

Maggy_Tronche said...

Greatt project! So creative and ecologic too! Thanks a lot for the inspiration! Hugs.. Maggy :)

Suepup said...

Fabulous project

SharPharMade said...

Great idea, and love it! I, too, believe in recycling; and, using what I can, and what can be found, around the house, etc., to craft with! One of my faves, also; is with TP Tubes (ask any Girl Scouts, or Boy Scouts, in the area of where I live), just like you! Thanks for sharing! http://www.bearheartbottomsetc.biz/ #Bear Luv and Bear Hugz!

glowegal said...

Gorgeous wreath!! Love it!! Recycling makes me happy! I try as often as I can to incorporate it into crafts.

Christine said...

Nice wreath project!

Becky Dunham said...

Love this wreath Emily! I have been dying to try some of these toilet paper roll projects, but have not done it. I may actually try this one :) I am already a follower of your blog so I will definitely be back to check out the photos - sorry you are having technical issues :(

rebeccadunham at hotmail dot com

BethW said...

This is beautiful and brilliant-love it!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful wreath and great tutorial.

Sunshine115 said...

love this! and feel your pain with the computer! breath deep & have a cup of tea

Anonymous said...

Lovely wreath! Thanks so much for the chance to win! :)

glenda said...

Amazing and awesome! I use TP and Paper towel rolls to make mini albums! Great to find another re-puposer!!! I am luvin the blog hop!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Your wreath is just beautiful, thank you for sharing it.

Cassie_lu said...

what a beautiful and delicate wreath

Renee Collier said...

What a great idea for that stash of TP rolls that we all have! TFS

Jeannie said...

Who knew that TP rolls could be so pretty! LOVELY!

deb said...

Very cool idea.

Cassandra {Sleeping or Sewing} said...

That's crazy!!! I never would have guessed they were toilet paper rolls just by looking at them. So cool!

Kim H said...

didnt think tp rolls could look so good lol sorry to hear about your tech troubles this week, hopefully they will be resolved soon. thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

OMG toilet paper rolls. I love this thank you so much for sharing this with us.


Anonymous said...

Wonderful work. I want that wreath! Was sent by G45 & ClearSnap. Thanks for the chance to win.

Lisa W said...

Wow, I love this wreath and I never would of guessed that this was made tp tubes. Time to start saving mine.

Cindy Lou said...

Emily, you are one who thinks outside the box, or should I say roll! Love it! I am going to come back and scout your blog for your TP mini-albums. By the way -- Welcome Back! I can see you naturally wouldn't/couldn't stay away to long. Thanks for sharing, loving the blog, need some more paper ;) lol

Susie Bentz: My Time to Play said...

don't let the computer win! gotta love anything made out of tp rolls!

Eileen Doane said...

Love! Love! Love! this idea thank goodness I could comment on your page. I don't have a url and I have loved the last 4 or 5 blogs and haven't been able to comment. thanks for your time in the hop.

Anonymous said...

Holy poops, that's made with toilet paper rolls? Well done.

Judy W. said...

Very beautiful and so creative! I will visit your blog again to see what else can be done with tp tubes!

carriep said...

thanks, this is beautiful!
hope life gets back on track

Unknown said...

Wow! I will never look at toilet paper rolls the same again! Thanks for sharing your wonderful wreath idea! How beautiful! Now I know why they call you the Queen!

Denise Bryant said...

Love your tp roll wreath! Very resourceful!

Anonymous said...

very cool project! its fab!

Leslee said...

Love your wreath.

Lynda said...

Nice trash to treasure gem! Get the glue gun ready....

Kristen said...

Cool way to use something so utilitarian, great job!

Thanks for the chance to win!!

please visit me - www.pearlgateway.com :-D

Chrissy said...

I love how easy and simple this wreath is! Thank you so much for sharing it.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the hop!

Monica @ M double M said...

Wow! I never would have guessed this was made from tp rolls. Thanks for the great inspiration.

Staci said...

Such an awesome wreath. It is gorgeous

Marge said...

Your tp wreath is simply AWESOME!!! Way to be frugal and get a smashing result!!!

Roxie said...

This is the cutest wreath ever! I love it.

sharon g said...

So delicate and pretty...

Cherri said...

What a creative, beautiful idea! Thanks for sharing it with us.

Marilyn Nimmo said...

WOW, WOW, WOW - what a fabulous idea! LOVE this!

rush said...

too bad about the tech, but hooray for the project. thank you for sharing.

Susan said...

I just love your wreath made from toilet rolls. Talk about recycling at its best! As a primary teacher (and former Kindergarten teacher), my brothers used to tease me endlessly about my toilet roll collection. They are great to use for so many projects. Thanks for coming up with a wonderful flower wreath that is so attractive!

Simply Sandy said...

Love this idea! Now have a great idea to use for all those rolls i've been saving.

Judy P. said...

This is the prettiest tp wreath I've seen, will have to try to make one, thanks for sharing

PlumTuckered's Paper Plays said...

Great idea! I love the idea of recycling products for crafting! Sorry you've have so many techie issues though.

Carla said...

I love your TP roll wreath... It's awesome. Thanks so much for sharing.

http://racincrafts.blogspot.com/ or
racincrafts at aim dot com

Ann said...

Wow! Excellent work.

WendyG said...

Fab wreath and out of a product I have plenty of thanks for sharing. I'm of hopping

paperiedreams said...

What a great and clever project. I would never have guessed tp rolls were used. Thanks for sharing such an eco friendly, fun wreath. I want to try it!

Lyneen said...

What a beautiful wreath... sorry to hear you lost your pictures. You did a great tutorial with out pictures!!! What a great hop!!! Thanks for sharing.

Dawn B. said...

What an ingenious idea and so pretty too! If I had the products I'd have to definitely give this a try!

Anonymous said...

Tis the season for computer crashes...but the iphone pictures say it all...awesome

Leslie Kiley said...

What a elegant wreath! This blog hop is so much fun! Love all the inspiration and great projects I am seeing!

Bashful said...

Unique! Great Job!. I Like To Recycle, as well.
I cant resist acetate and foil Packaging. My Weakness. Lol.

Theresa said...

THis is absolutely gorgeous!!!

handmade_cass said...

I am truly inspired! And you certainly earned your title of queen. :)

Unknown said...

So fragile. Love it. Great artwork. Thanks for sharing.

Scrapping Mom said...

How cute and resourceful!! Love it!

KellyG said...

Pretty wreath, love it!

Die Cut Lady said...

I will have to call my daughter at collage and have her save me some they seem to go through a lot of them there. Fun project!

Lillian Child said...

This is just SO creative ... love GREEN projects and repurposing TP rolls into such lovely flowers! Great tutorial!

Roxy Furlong @RoxyFur said...

Your wreath is so delicate and pretty! It looks like a labor of love! Beautiful :)

jody said...

amazing, thanks for sharing, it is so delicate!

MissScrapAlot said...

I love this and think I am borrowing it ;) TFS!!

Jennybean said...

I love your wreath!!

Lisa T. said...

I like to save toilet paper rolls too! ha,ha Thanks for the crafty inspiration and chance to win! :)

Janet Lindstrom said...

Wow! Those are the most amazing looking toilet paper rolls I've ever seen!! Just beautiful!

Sheila said...

I'll never look at toilet paper rolls the same way again. Thank you for the detailed explanation and pix!

mamawcindy said...

Oh, I Love this! I have some Toilet Paper Rolls saved! Love to Recycle! Love It! Thanks for Sharing! :0)

Pammiebear said...

What a lovely concept for wreath. I have to try this one. Thanks for such great inspiration.

sandyh50 said...

Oh I love this! I've have to save my TP rolls now!

sandyh502001 at yahoo dot com

StacyC said...

This is simply gorgeous.... I love making recycled crafts....

Peggy said...

Very creative. I love to see what can be done with TP rolls.
Peggy Allen

Unknown said...

Wow. Cute idea!

Amy Williams said...

Beautiful! Such a great idea! Who would have thought toilet paper rolls could make a beautiful wreath!

suburbNgypsy said...

awesome idea - just the thing for my girl scout troop!

silvia haynes said...

Great wreath!! Who knew TP rolls could be so festive.

S Westhead said...


Sue D said...

Best looking project I have ever seen with TP rolls.
slrdowney at hotmail dot com

Kim said...

Now this is one of the best ideas I have seen during this blog hop, and definitely the most innovative. Thank you for the inspiration, and for being willing to share the moments when all does not go well also. I think sometimes we readers of blogs can feel intimidated by the level of creation that we (or I) see and hearing that all is not perfect now and then reminds me that we are all in the same bowl. Sorry to hear though that you had some issues with your photos though. Bummer!

Stephenie said...

The best use of tp rolls I have ever seen! TFS!!

Larissa Heskett said...

THANKS For sharing all of the AWESOME INSPIRATION this weekend on the Blog Hop!! I have LOVED it all!!
THANKS for the chances to win and have a FABULOUS WEEK!! =)

Tania said...

That wreath is one of the cutest that I have seen.

Melita said...

that is simply amazing!

Carisa said...

that wreath is so pretty!

MDCreates said...

Now I know what to with all those toilet paper rolls my kids leave on the floor! Perfect use for them and festive too! Thank you!!

Joan said...

Omgosh, you made this out of TP rolls?!... fabulous!

Cyndee K. said...

Cool project!

Anonymous said...

Now THAT takes talent! Very unique and very pretty!

Anonymous said...

Love the toilet paper rolls! LOL Thanks for the inspiration!

lindaplus3 said...

what a beautiful wreath :) lindaplusthree at yahoo dot com

MKG said...

Love this. Easy, pretty, and reuses items. Perfect.

mannmade said...

Cute idea with the tp rolls! It looks great!

Anonymous said...

Wow, who would have thought? God sure didn't miss you with the talent gene. So clever. Can't wait to see what else you can do.

lunchlady said...

you could paint the whole toilet paper roll BEFORE you cut to make it easier on yourself. my daughter and i are going to make this sometime this week. so, so, so cute.

Amy N in MO said...

I have a whole drawer full of tp rolls to use up. I now have an adorable craft to make. Of to the craft store for some supplies.....


Kisha D. said...

This is great! I'm going to link from my blog. =) I'm always inspired by a great way to use TP rolls! =) Great blog!

Kisha D.

Debbie Breckenridge said...

I twisted teh photo TP project just a little...loved it..can't wait to do this!

Dawn said...

this is an easy project to do now to start saving tp rolls

The Minister's Wife said...

I definitely found something I am going to make! This is so neat!! Thanks for posting this.

Dawn said...

Love this wreath! Very elegant looking, yet easy! Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

How cool! Will have to save my tp rolls for a while! Thanks for sharing!
ellenbeth1981 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I made this using a wrapping paper tube, and it was the PERFECT amount of cardboard!

Diane Walker said...

Made one this christmas and it turned out so cute. Also did an ornament as a gift tag and it turned out cute too! My sister had the idea of doing one with daisies,,,,paint the tp roll yellow or white for spring.

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