
My studio, my getaway

Whenever I need to just get away and be creative, I go to my scraproom. I finally got it the way (I THINK) that I want it. It's nice and colorful and fun. Sometimes I just go upstairs and sit there and spin around in my chair and look at all of my photos that I have on my walls and on my desks. Whenever I moved into this house, I wasn't sure exactly what to do with it since it's an older house, but I was able to use my creative ability to make rooms that are enjoyable to be in. My scrapbook room is the perfect place for me to go to just get away from it all!

Here is a little tour of my studio.... and just a little sidenote.... I ♥ IKEA!!! :-)

This is my new desk from Ikea. It's a glass tabletop and I LOOOVE it!

I tried to take a close up of the desk, on the glass it says the word "Love" in different languages.

This is the other part of my scrapbook room where my other desk is. The gate looking section is where my stairs come up.

This is the quiet side of my room where I take my daughter to rock her and sometimes where I go just to relax.

Here is a closer look at some of my ribbon storage. I got the paint cans at a yard sale for $1 each!

This is a clase up of my border. It's cute and girly!

I just love these candle holders!



Make sure you check out my ebay groups blog!


I'm the featured artist this week! Check it out!


Baby Shower Cards

I just listed these Baby cards on ebay. They are very cute and can be used for a boy or girl, there are even a few neutral cards! The auction is for a set of 5 cards. Check it out!


I've never really been much of a blogger, but I thought I would start a new blog for myself, my customers, and my friends to see my new work and learn more about Paper Creations by Emily!