Well, I hate to say it, but that time has finally come... I have become one of those "Gymboree Crazed Mommy's!" I didn't think I would ever fall into the Gymboree fad for my daughter because their stuff is usually so expensive! A few weeks ago I got on their website and they had stuff marked down 60%, which brings it to about the same prices as Carters and other stores that I normally shop at so I thought I would give it a try because I know Gymboree has a wonderful quality to their clothes. I also had a 20% off coupon that I could use as well. I ended up buying a few things from the Happy Rainbow & Wild One lines. Well, let's just say that I got addicted! Everything is SOOO cute!!! The cool thing is that all of their lines have accessories and everything that match! That way if I buy lots from one line I can mix and match everything! I ended up getting a lot from the Happy Rainbow line and she's pretty much set for her Spring & Summer clothes for this year. I thought I would go ahead and buy some 2t in the Wild One line and keep it for the fall. It's hard to buy ahead because I don't know what size she will be in, but I guess it's worth a shot! If it doesn't fit her at that time, there's always eBay! With this shopping trip I ended up earning $75 in GymBucks which are like coupons that you can use during a certain "redemption" period. To use them I had to buy $150 worth of merchandise and I ended up getting it for $75, so basically 50% off. When I redeemed my GymBucks {last week} I got her a lot of 3t sized clothes for next Spring & Summer from the Social Butterfly line. It's all just too cute... and addicting! I feel like Reagan is my own little Barbie Doll! :-)
Here she is in outfit #1 from Happy Rainbow
She finally let me play with her hair, since it's long enough now we keep it in pig tails when we go out.
Outfit #2 from Happy Rianbow
It was a tough job... but she let me paint her little toenails!
Outfit #3 from Happy Rainbow
The rest of her wardrobe & accessories from Happy Rainbow
Her Fall wardrobe & accessories in Wild One
If you have children and you haven't shopped at Gymboree because of the higher prices, I suggest that you check out their sales! They get new lines every month so they have to make room for them by marking down the old lines! You can also find coupons in magazines like Parents, Parenting, Plum, etc. To learn more about how to get deals & steals at Gymboree, check out GymboHaven or GymboFriends. Sometiems the deals make the clothes even cheaper than Walmart! Beware, Gymboree is ADDICTING!!!

She is SO adorable! You do sound like you've become addicted, but as cute as she looks in those clothes I can see why. :) Congrats on getting good deals.
Once again, I have daughter envy!
Dressing boys is just NO FUN compared to all this cuteness!
Aww! I guess I got very lucky! I'd eventually like to have a little boy as well! :-)
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