
Christmas in July Blog Hop - Day 2

Welcome to Day 2 of the Christmas in July blog hop! I just love Christmas, and it's always a good thing to get a head start on it! So why not start 6 months early? ;-) If you've hopped to my blog from Shannon's Blog, you're on the right track! If you just happened to stop by my blog today and want to join in on the fun, please start at the beginning at Lisa's blog.

There are lots of prizes to be given away, including a grand prize given by Lisa! Like all hops, we do have a few rules to follow to be eligable to win a prize, in support of each crafter and the time they have put into their work, to be eligible for the "Grand Prize" you MUST visit each blog and leave a comment for each day of the blog hop and also become a follower at "Scrapping With Lisa" on facebook.

This hop runs from July 15-17th, so you have plenty of time to make it all the way through the hop. Check out each blog and see what each blog has to offer for BLOG CANDY! Please come back tomorrow to see what new projects we have created. After all it's Christmas in July and who doesn't like Christmas.

Now on to my project for the day... Since I've been recently moving, I haven't had time to do a lot of projects, so I am showcasing some that I made this past Christmas since I wasn't blog hopping or anything back then, I'm sure most of you all haven't seen them... anyways, for today I have this paper bag album to share with you. I just loved this paper line, I believe it is by fancy pants, but i could be wrong on that!

Ready for some Blog Candy? Are you a fan of Pink by Design Stamps?

Check out the Christmas Wishes set shown above!

Boy Have I got a treat for you! I have 3 $10 gift cards to Pink by Design Stamps! I will pick 3 lucky winners at the end of this hop, but you have to comment each day and also do the following:

1. Follow Pink by Design on Facebook
2. Become a member of the Pink by Design Community and make a post there
3. leave a comment here on my blog letting me know you did both!

Thanks for stopping by today! Now hop on over and see what Deborah has in store for you today!

Here's the full line up for this hop:
Lisa- http://handmadewithlove-lisa.​blogspot.com/
Shawnee- http://quiverofangels.blogspo​t.com/
Rachelle- http://creationsbyrachelle.bl​ogspot.com/
Shannon- http://www.purplelionpaper.co​m/blog
Emily- http://www.createserendipity.​net/
Deborah- http://www.scrappingmamma.net​/
Tricia- http://lshdesigns.blogspot.co​m/
Janet- http://www.createatdreamscra​pbooks.blogspot.com/
Theresa- http://www.thescrapbookingque​en.com
Mickie- http://www.littlescrapcorner.​blogspot.com
Jennifer- http://www.craftycardgallery.​blogspot.com
Elsa- http://justafewdesigns.blogsp​ot.com/
Carla- http://racincrafts.blogspot.c​om/
Bobbi- http://rockgirlcustomdesigns.​blogspot.com/
Ashley- http://www.theglamoroussideof​scrapping.blogspot.com/
April- http://www.curlsandgrins.blo​gspot.com/
Georgiana- http://www.carsonscricutcreat​ions.blogspot.com/


Jill Angel said...

I am a follower or pink by design and part of the community. Love your card!

Vicki said...

The paper bag album is so pretty! Nice soft pinks with the greens..I really like your choice of ribbons here..


follower of both Pink by Design and joined the community

scrappingmamma said...

LOVE it! Amazing album, Thanks for sharing sweetie, Have a scrappy day~
Scrappingmamma ~ ustoleit@comcast.net

KAT said...

beautiful... and the colors are luschious...(sp) i'm already a follower of pinkbydesign. i would love this set of christmas stamps.

Cynthia V said...

Emily, This album is adorable. Love the color combos that you used. It looks so shabby, but more chic...Ü I am following you and Pink by Design on FB and blogs. Thanks for the project.

Cynthia V said...

Looks like paper bags? Who would've thought paper bags could look so good?

Cynthia V said...

oh, I forgot, but I commented yesterday too. If I win, (I hope, I hope) I want to be able to be reached...
vandyzfam at sbcglobal.net

Theresa said...

What a gorgeous paperbag album. The colors and embellishments are perfect. TFS!
p.s.-did both yesterday :)

Anniebee said...

Hey, Emily!! As always, your creations are spectacular! Looks like you have been very busy with the new DT stuff and all the blog hops. I'll try to join the Breast Cancer one tomorrow as that's a cause near and dear to me. Since I've already started this one, I had better keep on or I may not finish. I never heard how your contest turned out... did you win? I sure hope so! You richly deserve it.


mjblahnik56 said...

I am a follower I love your card very pretty. TFS.

tluiz said...

Very sweet album. TFS Already a follower of your blog and Pink by Design on FB and the community. tluiz@4fast.net

Cathy said...

Your album is very beautiful. love the color combo, as usual not disappointed in your project:)
mexicopetshop at hotmail dot com

Scrappin Melissa said...

Very pretty album!
melissaseme at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

Your paper bag album is beautiful with such pretty colors.

joyfulhrt at gmail dot com

Amanda said...

This is VERY pretty! Love it! I follow Pink by Design on FB and am a member of the community.

amandawoodau at hotmail dot com

Mary D said...

Love your card I did become a member of the community But I had no idea which forum to leave a comment That is all new stuff to me. Love the bag album

Judy said...

Wow! beautiful! I have never tried one of these...
jejaeb at cfl dot rr dot com

Shawnee said...

Beautiful album! TFS!

Mary D said...

Love your album Stopping in for day 3 but did not see a link to day 3

Crafty Card Gallery said...

Great album! Already a follower but now a member of the community too!
craftycardgallery at gmail dot com

Vicki said...

Stopped by for Day 3 but didn't see a Day 3..:(


Jamie M. said...

Cute book. I am already a fan and member of Pink by Design. Would love this set :)
jrredrose21 at yahoo dot com

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