I have decided to post my
1. Lose weight. That's an ongoing goal, every year, and it never happens! This year I am going to stick to it! I have to. I'm so unhealthy! My daughter was born in November 2007, and I have yet to lose any weight since having her! Come Monday, I am starting the "Thin & Healthy" diet. I did it 2 years ago and stuck to it and lost lots of weight. After that diet phase is over, I am going to stick to eating healthy, watching my portions, and sticking to the food pyramid! I also need to start an exercise plan, which is hard with a 1 year old, since I can't get out of the house too much to walk because of the weather, I will use my resources here at home! I have stairs, I have a tv to watch workout programs (I got hip hop abs, pretty excited about that!), so there should be no excuse for me! I need to build my metabolism so I'm not so tired all the time!
My Scraproom
2. Organization. I need to organize my home & my life! My home is a mess, I never know where anything is, I pile bills and papers and then don't find them when it's time to send in bills, etc. It's just a mess. Organization systems cost a little, but they are worth it! My scrapbook room is also a mess, it's actually a disaster. I have an organization system there, but the organization system needs to be organized! I'm going to go through everything and get rid of what I don't need.
My Kitchen ( that's only 1 days worth of dishes, they are usually done!)
The laundry gets done, but hardly ever put away! eek!
3. Clean. I need to stay on top of things when cleaning! My laundry always piles up on me and it shouldn't! It's just me and the baby here! My husband comes home every other week or so, that means his laundry is only here to get done during the weekends he his home. There is no reason for me to let things pile up to where I have days worth of cleaning to do instead of hours.
4. Create. I need to create more! I always say that I don't have the time, but really I do. I have all the time in the world, I just never get around to it. I need to make more albums to sell, create more scrapbook pages, etc. Reagan's whole first year still needs to be scrapbooked! I plan to attend many crops this year to get some albums finished!
5. Prioritize. My priorities are always backwards. I always spend money on what I don't need before paying bills. That's a big NO NO! I'm going to make a budget for our family and stick to it! Like many of my friends, I feel that I am swimming in debt, but I have only myself to blame. This year I am going to work at having my debt to a minimum (we have 2 new cars so it's almost impossible to have 0 debt by 2010).
Like all goals, these need to be done one step at a time. My husband told me last week that I have TOO MANY projects going on and I need to focus on one at a time. So instead of diving into everything, I'm going to try and be more focused this year so that i can meet every one of my goals!
What are your goals for 2009?

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