
Link Me!

Have a scrapbook related blog? Want to get more exposure? I have plenty of room for links here on CreateSerendipity.net! All you have to do is link me back! Grab one of my buttons, add it to your blog, and post your link below using Mr Linky and I will get you a spot on my blog! If you have your own button, let me know and I will add one to the side! I love to blog-hop and leave comments, so if you are interested in having a blog buddy then make sure you leave your link!!! Also, don't forget to click follow on the right to follow my blog!

Create Serendipity Button 1

Create Serendipity Button 2


JustaFewDesigns said...

Hey cyber daughter...couldnt sleep so Im checking out your blog. I took your mini log and will put it on my side bar over at my blog!! Your blog, facebook and etsy accounts are all so awesome. I need some of your energy. Please bottle some up and send it to ...Attention Elsa in Care of Lack of energy Dept. lol

Take care and talk to you soon...

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