Hello everyone! Sorry I have been absent for so long! You could only imagine what a hectic summer I've had! Those of you who know me or are my friend on facebook or myspace probably either know or have a hint of what has gone on, but I'm not going to go into detail here. All I will say is that it has been a long stressful summer and it is FINALLY starting to look up! You know how they say "When it rains, it pours"? Pretty much sums up my summer in a nutshell!
Now on to the better things! I haven't really made anything at all! I've just been so stressed out that I haven't got up to my scraproom! I did however finish 4 custom albums. It was for an order that I got back in May (So sorry it took me so long Lisa!). I think they turned out nice. Here are those albums:
And lastly, another reason I haven't been around much is because I GOT A JOB!!!! :-) It's something that I needed to do for myself. I have been a stay at home mom for the past 3 years (well, I stayed home when I was pregnant too), so it was finally time for me to break that cycle and get out of the house! If anything, it helps to just interact with people who aren't 2 years old lol! My job is at a little clothing store, it's not much and it's part time, but it does get me out of the house! So far, I love it! I've been there almost a month now.
This past weekend I bought a Wii with my first paycheck. Great investment! We have a ps3, but I don't play games too much. I played the Wii at my mother in law's and I loved it! It is very interactive and just a lot of fun for the whole family! My husband and I play it at night and it's a good way for us to spend a little time together.
That's all for now! Hopefully sometime soon I will have more stuff posted on ebay and I will get back in the swing of things! So sorry I've been absent from blogging!

I'm excited that you blogged! I would still like to meet up. Summer has been crazy for me, too. Find me on facebook (angie livesay) if you like and we can try to coordinate schedules!
Love the monkey!
Very cute album covers. Congrats on the job. :)
Congrats on the job.
How to make a website
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