As you all can see, I updated my blog template. I am never satisfied with the same thing for a long period of time, so it was time for an update! I'm going to try to update my Myspace page to match my blog as well. I found this cool blog kit at Shabby Miss Jenn Designs you should check out the site! Lots of cute stuff and also lots of great sales! I edited it a little to match what I wanted, but I think it's very Shabby Chic! Love it!
Also, some very exciting news.... Jay Leno is coming to my part of the country tomorrow and I have tickets! :-) I love Jay Leno, he's by far my favorite late night host and I will be very sad in a few weeks when he leaves the Tonight Show. He is coming to Wilmington, Ohio tomorrow for 2 stand up shows. They are free to the public, but you have to get tickets which are first come, first serve. If you live in the area, you should check it out! You can find more information HERE. I'm taking my mom with me, so that will be our Mother's Day present :-) I will try to post pics if I am allowed to take pics!

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