
May Arts & CardMaker Magazine Blog Hop!

Welcome to the May Arts/ CardMaker Magazine blog hop! If you came from Dee Dee's blog, you're on the right track! If not, be sure to start back at the beginning by visiting The CardMaker Magazine blog!

For my card, I thought I would stick with the upcoming Valentine's Day theme... so I worked with the "Lovely" collection from Authentique Paper. 

I tried a new technique that I learned at CHA last week... but it didn't turn out how I envisioned when I added it to my card...

First, take your ribbon (I used EA09 which is very similar to seam binding) and tape off sections with washi tape. 

Next, spray your ribbon with your favorite mist. The washi tape should create a mask and leave sections of your ribbon plain. Mine didn't work... I think the mist went through this particular washi. The technique DOES work though. I tried it at CHA and it turned out really neat. I need to invest in some thicker washi. I would assume this would work with painters tape or masking tape, you just want to be sure to use a tape that will peel off of your ribbon and not leave sticky residue. 

Another good tip... if you have white ribbon and need a desired color- use mists! I buy a lot of my ribbons in white or cream just so I can get some use out of my mists and match colors to other embellishments. 

May Arts will be giving away 4 spools of lovely ribbon (winners choice)... all you have to do is comment along the way! 
Now hop along to Erin Thiem's blog for more inspiration! 

Products Used:
May Arts- EA09, XL16, 393-25-17
Authentique- "Lovely" 12x12 & Details Stickers
Heidi Swapp- Color Shine-Tinsel


  1. Very pretty card and thanks for showing the misting technique.

  2. What a great technique! Gorgeous card.

  3. That is one gorgeous card. And, thanks for the tips on using misting with ribbons.

  4. Very pretty. White is definitely a staple in every card makers supplies. So may ways if can be customized. Love the color you chose. TFS!

  5. Gorgeous card and excellent tip on using mists to customize white supplies.

  6. I have lots of washi tape and will definitely be trying this tq as I really like the look of the dyed ribbon. Nice card.

  7. I think the ribbon is lovely the way you used it. Perfect for this card.

  8. Very pretty card! I love the colors and embellishment! Thanks for sharing the CHA idea with us... sounds like a fun technique to try!

  9. So pretty! The ribbon is gorgeous!!

  10. Thanks for the tip, I well try that. Love your card with the bow and flower. TFS.

  11. Cute card Emily! Thanks for the tip about ribbon and that mini tutorial on the washi/ribbon technique - I definitely want to try that :)

  12. Beautiful card and great tips for altering ribbon!

  13. Cute card and great tips. I'll have to try it sometime. Thanks for sharing.

  14. Turned out great, Emily! I've also sprayed with mist and scrunched with good results.

  15. Beautiful colors! Thanks for the tip on coloring ribbon with mists! I will definitely be giving that a try soon.

  16. Such a beautiful card! Thanks for the great tips :-)

  17. Very pretty card, Emily! Thanks for teaching me a new technique too! I will have to try that out. I have that same ribbon. ;)

  18. I like the card with the rose . I admire you for telling that the card did not work out! I will have to try it.

  19. Stunning card. Thanks for sharing. i am a new follower

  20. Great card & that's a neat technique, I'll have to try it sometime. thanks for sharing

  21. Super fun technique! Love your card!

  22. Beautiful card. Thanks for the masking tip. I will have to try that one.

  23. Love the technique Emily - beautiful card!

  24. A beautiful card and a new technique - thanks.

  25. Great card! Too bad the technique didn't work on this ribbon, but I think that I will give it a try.

  26. I think your card is pretty! I will have to give the misting technique a try.

  27. Great idea one the ribbon, I going to have to try this myself. Pretty card.

  28. So pretty! Misting ribbon is a great way to make your ribbon collection HUGE! :)

  29. Thanks for the tip! Lovely card you have there.

  30. This is so beautiful!

  31. thanks for the great tip
    beautiful card

    Barb Housner

  32. I love your card - it's so beautiful and feminine

  33. Your spray ink may not have gone through the washi but may have wicked underneath it. Consider that before buying new washi.

  34. I love the different layers you use in all of your projects. You have a keen eye for pattern and color as well. Beautiful work.
