
In ♥ with Neon Chic!

Happy Friday to you all! I've had a rough week, I've been under the weather so crafting has been a challenge for me. However, I'm on the mend, so everything is looking up! I was able to get a few projects finished to share today. 

Since I was feeling kind of down from the weather and being sick, I reached for my DCWV Neon Chic stack and I fell in love! This stack totally fits my style and my personality and I love all of the bright fun colors! If you don't own this stack... you should! The creamy smooth texture of the paper is amazing! 

I made this layout with a little instagram pic that I took of my daughter on her very first school picture day this year for pre-school. I love the little instagram pics, they are great for a quick layout! 

When I finished the layout, I realized something was missing... so I got out some neon washi tape and started playing...

Viola! Washi tape flowers! How cute are these?!? They were so easy to make! I can't take credit, I did find a video on youtube, but still... they turned out pretty adorable! 

Of coarse, I wasn't done playing with Neon Chic! I had to make something with my scraps! 

I painted some toilet paper rolls with my neon acrylic paint because I wanted to make a fun little tp roll album. The paint was kind of sheer so I had to add several coats. 

Isn't this the cutest? I LOVE the new Geek Chic stamp set from Sweet Stamp Shop! 

None of my albums would be complete without the addition of LOADS of pretty ribbons from May Arts! Always one of my favorite ways to embellish... lots of ribbons!

Thanks for stopping by today! I hope you all enjoy your weekend! 


  1. I was very excited to see you on May Arts blog today, because we have so much in common... I'm 29, sahm, and in southern ohio! So excited to be a new follower and to see what you'll be making in the future! And I LOVE all of this fun neon, awesome!

  2. love the project!
    the album is too cute
