
CHA Summer 2012 Re-Cap!

Ok, so maybe I'm the last person on the planet to re-cap my trip to Chicago last month for Summer CHA 2012. Better late than never, right? 

My trip to CHA started out a little rocky... I missed my 6:40am flight to Chicago... I got to the gate as the plane was taking off. Totally my fault. I will blame it on my husband but shh... it wasn't his fault. I thought I had plenty of time to stop and use the ladies room to freshen up then grab some Starbucks! Note to self: don't ever schedule a flight before 8am. Anytime before that, I will not be functioning properly. Luckily, I was able to catch the next flight. 

When I landed in Chicago, my FABULOUS friend Sue (from itsalwaysfabulous) picked me up. We had a little morning shopping trip to Target, then went to get pampered. 

Yep, I got my nails did for the occasion (this is a rare thing people)... and a pedicure to match!

On Monday morning we each had a few classes, and since I had an exhibitor pass, I was able to get on the floor to help with set up... except my people were not early risers like me!
It was like a ghost town up in here!

Once everyone arrived, we were able to get things all set up and pretty in the Authentique booth. Ready for the show to begin! 

I decided to walk the floor and meet people ... and hand out my brand spankin' new business cards that make me look all professional!

and I also decided along the way to make some cool stuff...

Silhouette had a really cool make & take to make this little messenger bag using their iron on transfer sheets. I must get some of this stuff! Really cool!

There was a huge display of pretty dresses. Being a child of the 80's, this one was my fave! I could totally see Madonna wearing this 25 years ago!

I saw a crowd so I thought I'd see what important person was having a demo... it was Dyan Reaveley showing off her Dylusions mists for Ranger. Very cool stuff! 

I love her style! 

I really didn't take a ton of pictures. I think I got so caught up in everything (since this was my first show) that I forgot to grab my camera and snap some shots! 

But... I did meet some very cool people! And I got pics with them!!!
I ♥ this girl... if you don't recognize her pretty face, it's Samantha Wheatley from Authentique Paper! AKA My boss! 

Then I happened to run into my Sweet Stamp Shop Design Team Sister Laurel Beard! 

Of coarse I met Thienly from Mod Paperie! She's awesome I am glad we finally got to meet!

Last but not least.... You all have your photos with Tim Holtz... well... I skipped that photo op... instead... I have mine with...
John from Imagine Crafts! :-) I learned a lot at CHA from watching John's demos! I'm excited to use my inks now that I know HOW to use them!

That's it from me today! Have a great weekend! 


  1. How fun!! I hope that one day I get to go to CHA!!

  2. Sounds like you had a ball! Soo jealous hehe.


  3. Sounded like a really wonderful trip!
