
August Inspiration Color Challenge: Authentique Paper

Welcome to another fun Color Challenge from Authentique Paper! I just love doing color challenges because they give me a reason to really think "outside of the box." 

I'm an altered arts kind of gal, so sketches aren't always my thing unless I am forcing myself to do a layout or a card.

For my color challenge project, I wanted to re-purpose something. My husband always finds "junk" for me. He is a carpenter and along with re-modeling houses comes people who want to throw out their "old" items. So he will usually take them off their hands for them. A few months ago he brought me several old photo frames. Among those frames was an old mirror. I loved the shape of it, so I thought I would use it for something... 

Here is the old mirror now...
I bought a can of the chalkboard spray paint and had a little fun with it!

I just love Authentique Paper's "Curiosity" collection. The colors are beautiful. So different for a school line. 

Thanks for stopping by! Make sure you head on over to the Authentique Paper blog and play along with our color challenge this month! We love to see what you create! 

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