
A "Lively" Mini-Album, A Class, & A Color Challenge!

Hello all! I think I'm a little late on posting my project for Authentique's JULY Color challenge! I was away at CHA when the challenge was posted, so I didn't get a chance to update it here on my personal blog. Better late than never, right? 

Isn't the color scheme awesome? I just LOVE the "Lively" Collection from Authentique. It's probably one of my favorite paper lines to this date. You have until TOMORROW NIGHT to link up your color challenge projects on the Authentique blog! To play along, please CLICK HERE!

Earlier this year, after attending several CKC Events (CKC=Creating Keepsake Convention), I decided that I wanted to teach at one this year. So I made that my goal. Create more, and try to teach more. 

With that said, I will be teaching this fabulous mini album class at CKC Cincinnati next month! I'm so excited! I love how this album turned out and there is room inside for so many photos& embellishments, a perfect way to store your memories! 

The cool thing about this mini album, you can customize it to your own personal photos. It doesn't have to be about love (which I chose that for my theme because I wanted a sweet little 1st year album for my husband and I).

Here's a little peek at the album and some inside shots. I can't show off the WHOLE album, I'm saving that for my class ;-)

This class will be jam-packed full of fun stuff! You get a kit that is literally loaded with beautiful papers, stickers, ribbons, bling, etc AND If you attend the class, I will teach you how to make your OWN embellishments! If you follow my blog, you know that i love to make embellishments, much cheaper, and so easy to customize them to your projects.

If you aren't able to attend the class and still want a kit, please email me at createserendipity@gmail.com as I do have a few extras. They are $40 each (plus shipping) and also come with an instruction sheet. 

CKC Cincinnati is September 28 & 29, I will be teaching this class both days at 4pm

To sign up, please visit the website HERE, click the class grid and scroll down (you will see the album photos) the class name is "Fabulous Bright & Cheery Mini Album Workshop" I hope to see you all there! 


  1. Beautiful album and photos Emily!

  2. My sister and I are both taking your class at CKC Cincinnati - looking forward to it!
