
Dear Lizzy...

Ok, a little confession.. I have owned the Dear Lizzy Neapolitan paper collection by American Crafts for quite some time now, and I am just getting it out to play with... I do this quite a bit, but I am guilty of having a fear of cutting up pretty paper! 

So today my friends, I not only did one, but TWO projects with the Dear Lizzy line! 

For my first project, I made a layout. I have had these photos for way too long and they needed to be put to a good use! 

This is my sweet baby Reagan when she was just 2 months old... now she is 4, so yes, it was time to put them on a page!

Here's a little close up... I used pop dots under all of the photos for some added dimension.

Next up, I used some of my scraps and made a sweet little card!

I hand cut all of the flower petals and inked them up. I wanted some dimension... because I LOVE dimension, so I folded them in half and glues them from the spine.

Thanks for stopping by today! I hope you have a great weekend! 


  1. i LOVE the dear lizzy papers, they're so cute. how did you wait so long to use em?! your projects are awesome. im probably gonna adhere my photos to my next layout with pop dots ;)
    -Rachel w k

  2. Love the layout and the card is very pretty. Like the way you did the flower.


  3. Both of these projects are so adorable!!!

  4. Really pretty! I love your flower card

  5. Gorgeous sweetie, what a precious baby! So beautiful!!!

    Have a great weekend! Frank

  6. Stunning page and adorable pics!! Love the flower card too :-)
