
A Very "Carefree" Canvas

It's been a while since I've actually "blogged" an actual project, so I thought today would be a good day to start again! With that said... did you miss me? hehehe

This week, Authentique Paper is teaming up with Core'dinations cardstock! What a fun week! I'm so happy to start the week with a fun project! This project was a little out of my element. I was asked a few weeks ago to do a tutorial on rolled paper roses, so as I was sitting here over the weekend, I was trying to think of a unique way to incorporate those into my project for the week. I had my "Carefree" papers sitting here and I just knew I wanted to use them. The pantone "Tangerine Tango" color scheme in this collection is one of the most beautiful that I've ever seen! It's simply not Orange, it's so much more than just that!

Like I said, this project was a little outside of my element, but once I got started, everything started to flow. I grabbed a few paints, some Glimmer Mists, sponges, mod podge, and started ripping paper (eek! I know... big fear that I conquered here!)

I just loved this quote, I felt it was worthy of being a focal point for this project. That's where the flowers came into play. They too are worthy of being a focal point! I used some beautiful Maya Road and May Arts trim flowers, but first I misted them with Marmalade & Apricot Glimmer Mists to match my scheme. Of coarse, I also added in my handmade spiral roses, which leads me to my tutorial...

First, you will need a sheet of 3x3" cardstock or patterned paper.

Next, just draw a little spiral, it doesn't have to be perfect.

Now you need to carefully cut along the line that you drew until you get to the end.

Flip your paper over so your line doesn't show (oops, I didn't do that on this one, but make sure you do!) and start rolling from the outside until you work your way in.

Once your flower is wound tight, just let it go so it will loosen up and take form.

Take a little bit of hot glue and put it on the very bottom layer, then push the rest of your flower onto the glue and hold it for a few seconds.

You can fold some of the edges down or just leave it how it is, but that's how you make a simple little rolled rose! Of coarse, I misted mine with Glimmer Mist to add a little shimmer, but that's completely optional!

Thanks so much for stopping by today! Make sure you check out the Authentique Paper blog all week long for tons of inspiration from our fabulous design team!


  1. I just finished a layout today using "Carefree" and I LOVE it!!
    Your projects are great Emily. :)

  2. Beautiful!Gorgeous and a Fabulous!!!!You did a Great job!TFS

  3. Love this card...sooo pretty!! Thanks for the rosette tutorial, I was just looking around trying to figure out how to make these. You must have been reading my mind lol. :)


  4. Emily this is so pretty and I love the color!!! There is something about tangerine that makes me happy!!!!! Your paper flower is adorable and I love the zipper trim flower too!!!! And yes, I did miss you when you had not posted lately!!! I hope everything is ok.!!!!

  5. What an awesome project! I love the colors!
    Miranda :)

  6. Beautiful colors and love the flowers! It's been awhile since I've done those, thanks for the refresher course and inspiration!

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