
Team Authentique!

About a year ago, I was shopping & cropping at my local Archiver's store with a bunch of friends. Little did I know that my spending behavior that day would later change my life! 

As I was shopping, I spotted the most BEAUTIFUL paper! It was by a new company that I had never heard of called Authentique. I asked my friend if she had ever seen or used their products, and of coarse she had, so she told me a little story about them, etc. I had to grab up some of their paper, so I decided to start with a little 6x6 pad and some of the noteables, tabloids, icons, and excerpts from the  Blissful Collection. I'm not a vintage kind of gal, but something about this paper really inspired me to change my views on vintage.

I had tried out for a few design teams at that point and had been rejected, so I was really unsure about trying out when I saw the Authentique DT call. At the last minute, I decided to send over my application and crafty resume, which at that point, wasn't much. A few days later I got the most awesome e-mail! I had been accepted to the team! I will never forget the day that the UPS driver delivered my very first package of Authentique goodies. I sat and started in awe at all of the beautiful papers. I literally did not want to cut them up, but I knew at some point, I would have to. 

In April we transitioned over to a smaller design team and I started helping out as Coordinator. It was the least I could do for a company that I love and feel so much passion for the product and the people who work there. I've been doing a lot of cheer-leading for the Authentique DT over the past year, the girls on the team are absolutely fabulous. I really couldn't ask to be surrounded by a better group of people! Not to mention the folks on Team Authentique out in Utah, Samantha, Bret, Melodee, David, etc. All just wonderful people to work with! 

A few weeks ago Samantha called and asked me if I would like to continue helping out with the Design Team and take on responsibilities of their Social Media and be an "official" member of team Authentique. Well, that was a no-brainier! To be offered an opportunity to "work" from my home doing what I love is like a dream come true for me. Not to mention, I still get to play with lots of pretty paper! 

Long story short, I am now "officially" a part of Team Authentique. You can see the full announcement HERE on the Authentique blog. You will want to check it out, we also added 3 new super talented ladies to the team! 

e-mail: emily@authentiquepaper.com 


  1. Congrats Emily. So proud of you. Enjoy your new job.I've always dream being on a design team but never picked but you just encouraged me to keep on trying.
    Once again congrats

  2. Super huge congrats Emily!!! I love Authentique!! Maybe one day they will invite me to be a part of their team...I'll keep dreaming....would love to work with you here too!!
    Looking forward to more inspiration from you. :)

  3. Congrats Emily! That's huge, happy news!

  4. Congratulations Emily!! You are great at what you do :) I look forward to seeing what you come up with next!

  5. Es ist gut, die Homepage zu, war ich für so etwas suchen

  6. haha nice post .. Espero que los Schecks Vienen ofter y más grandes se Hacen.
    Le deseo todo lo mejor, Concierto para este hacer Dinero en Línea que no Sohn gratis, y todo el trabajo duro que está aquí Leo por comenzando einem DAR Frutos

  7. That is fabulous!! You're quite awesome, girlie! :) congrats on the new gig :)

  8. Boah, das ist eine super Website. Sehr schöne Stellen unterhalb der - wie oft kommt ein zu bringen, dieses besondere Homepage informiert werden? Ok bye my best friend

  9. Congrats Emily!! That is wonderful. You do such beautiful work!

  10. Congrats, Emily! They are lucky to have someone as talented as you. BTW, I can't believe you've EVER been rejected for a DT! You are uber talented! Good luck with your new position on the team!

  11. Wow Emily that is awesome! I am a new follower and just made DT for timeless Twine. You should be so proud of yourself that is a great accomplishment!
