
Girls Love Sports Too!

Happy Super Bowl Sunday my lovely crafty friends! Are you watching the big game today? If so, who are you rooting for? My husband is a Cincinnati Bengals fan and they are obviously out, but he's rooting for the Giants. I like to sit and watch games with him, it gives us time together, even though I don't fully understand football!

Today I wanted to share a little card that I made using the Sports Fever stamp set from Sweet Stamp Shop. This set is soooo cute! I'm not a huge sports fan, but I HAD to have this set when it came out! I thought it would come in handy sooner or later!

Here's my card...
I went with a red/white/blue theme since that's the colors for both teams today.

Make sure you check out the Sweet Stamp Shop Blog today for a *sweeeet* giveaway, you could win some fun goodies along with the cute Sports Fever stamp set that I featured here today!

Thanks for stopping by today! Have a great Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. OMG, this card is just fabulous! I love the colors of it and the lacing.
