
Plant Kindness & Gather Love

Happy Friday friends! Have you all been enjoying all of the CHA sneak peeks this week? I know I have seen A LOT of new goodies that I want to get my hands on! I can't show you my projects with Authentique's NEWEST lines yet because they haven't been announced, BUT I can show you another one of my big projects that I sent off for CHA...

This is probably one of my favorite projects that I have made. I used Authentique's Gathering collection for this pretty flower bouquet.

I put many hours into making this project, I didn't count, but there were probably about 30-40 flowers and each one took about 20 minutes to make. I went through almost two 6x6 pads of paper as well as several 12x12 sheets of paper. I also had a hot glue gun blow up on me during the creation of this project. The end result was more than worth it! Now I have this beautiful piece of home decor and flowers that will never wilt and die!

Would you like to learn how to make these pretty flowers for yourself? Make sure you check out my post on the Authentique blog today for a tutorial!


  1. Emily, I just found you on Authentique's website and actually left you a message there, but then I found you here. HELP!!!!! I am working on trying to recreate your beautiful bouquet. I do have trouble just following directions when it comes to folding. THe pictures are helpful but at the line that says "Fold the little flaps back" I lose you and the next instruction down the page, I can't do because I lost you on folding the little flaps. Is there someway, you could post a couple of extra pics of how to do those two steps. I have tried every which way and just can't seem to get the fold right. What Im trying to do is recreate the bouquet and if I find that I can do and and do it well, I would like to make my wedding bouquet with the same technique. Im getting married March 9th. I have two 3 day crop weekends before I get married so I have plenty of time, but not if I can't get past those two steps. And just so you know, Im sure its because Im older (in my 50's) we lose little bits of our common sense the older we get and apparently when it comes to folding, that part of my common sense left a long time ago!!!! So please, any help you could give me would be so appreciated.
    Thank you so much, you an amazing women!
    The old bride!!!

  2. Wow, that looks like alot of work! It is gorgeous Emily!
