
"Genuine" Friends

Happy Monday friends! Since CHA starts next week, I just thought I would share with you one of my new projects that will be heading to California for CHA. I am so lucky to be one of the first to get to play with the new Authentique line, Genuine. This collection is absolutely STUNNING!

Here, see for yourself...
Now maybe you are asking yourself "What is that exactly?" Well... a few weeks ago we were having some very nice weather here in Southern Ohio and my crafty hubby decided to go down to the river and find me some cool pieces of driftwood. He swore I could make something neat out of it, so here is what I came up with! I ended up wrapping some wire around it and made a little sign to hang on the wall. Home decor is a new favorite of mine! Luckily my husband brought back a whole truck load of driftwood, this stuff is so much fun to alter!

I just LOVE that quote!!!

All of the shapes that I cut came from the Silhouette online store. I'm addicted to their files!

Thanks for stopping by today! Make sure you stop by later this week for another sneak at some CHA projects that I've done!

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