
MSS Block Party!

Happy Sunday everyone! Today was a lazy day here at my house. My husband sat around and watched football, and I crafted! :-) I decided to try a little challenge today... It's one that I wait for every month because I have a lot of fun using my Market Street Stamps!

So for this weekend's Block Party project, I wanted to do a little chipboard album. I've used the Comfort Food stamp set before on a little card, but today, I REALLY wanted to get some use of this set because it's one of my faves! So here is what I came up with...

I wanted it to say "Favorite Recipes" so I had to add an S off of the Soups stamp. I really just love the little apron!

Here are some pics at different angles:

Thanks for stopping by today! I hope you enjoyed my little project!


  1. Oh goodness Emily, this is beyond good! It's brilliant! I love love the colors and that you used this set to make a mini album! Thanks for coming to the Block Party at MSS!

  2. OhhhhMyGoooodnesss!... I love all the bright colors!...
    Ur mini is soooo stinkin' cute!... =)

    ღ ∫ℓ∂ηℓttℓ ღ

  3. Awesome challenge! I love your project! and all the details, time and effort I know went in to this peice! Love it an thanks for sharing! I glad we we're in the same line up together!
    Hugs, Stac...craftysponge on youtube

  4. I love these colors! Great work! I am so glad for Elsa's blog hop because I found yours! I am hooked!

  5. All I can say is WOW! I absolutely love everything about this, from the colors to patterned paper. This is amazing!

  6. Oh I love this, super adorable~
    Scrappingmamma~ LSHD DT sister
